Windows Installation ******************** The following steps will help you install *pyGenClean* on a Windows machine. It has been tested on both Windows XP and Windows 7. Requirements ============ The following softwares and packages are required for :py:mod:`pyGenClean`: 1. Python 2.7 2. PLINK (1.07) 3. ``numpy`` (version 1.6.2 or latest) 4. ``matplotlib`` (version 1.2.0 or latest) 5. ``scipy`` (version 0.11.0 or latest) 6. ``scikit-learn`` (version 0.12.1 or latest) 7. ``Jinja2`` (version 2.7.3 or latest) .. note:: All the requirements will be installed along with the main :py:mod:`pyGenClean` module. .. warning:: The `Plink` software needs to be in the `PATH` (or in the current working directory). In other words, you should be able to type `plink` at the command line. Installation ============ The easiest way to install Python on windows is by using :ref:`python_miniconda`. .. _installation_python_win_label: Miniconda --------- Download and install miniconda (located at ` `_). To create a new virtual environment, perform the following command: .. code-block:: console $ conda create -n Python-2.7_virtualenv python=2 .. _activate_conda_virtual_environment_win_label: Activating the conda environment ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To activate the Python virtual environment (miniconda), perform the following command: .. code-block:: console $ activate Python-2.7_virtualenv Installing pyGenClean ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To install :py:mod:`pyGenClean`, only perform the following command: .. code-block:: console $ conda install pyGenClean -c Updating pyGenClean ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To update :py:mod:`pyGenClean`, perform the following command: .. code-block:: console $ conda update pyGenClean -c Testing the Algorithm ===================== To test the algorithm, download the test data from ` `_ and the HapMap reference populations (build 37). Create a directory on your Desktop named ``pyGenClean_test``, and extract the two archive into it. You should have the following directory structure: .. code-block:: none Desktop\ pyGenClean_test_data\ 1000G_EUR-MXL_Human610-Quad-v1_H.bed 1000G_EUR-MXL_Human610-Quad-v1_H.bim 1000G_EUR-MXL_Human610-Quad-v1_H.fam check_ethnicity_HapMap_ref_pops_b37\ hapmap_CEU_r23a_filtered_b37.bed hapmap_CEU_r23a_filtered_b37.bim hapmap_CEU_r23a_filtered_b37.fam hapmap_YRI_r23a_filtered_b37.bed hapmap_YRI_r23a_filtered_b37.bim hapmap_YRI_r23a_filtered_b37.fam hapmap_JPT_CHB_r23a_filtered_b37.bed hapmap_JPT_CHB_r23a_filtered_b37.bim hapmap_JPT_CHB_r23a_filtered_b37.fam Open the command prompt and navigate to the newly created directory, and created an new text file using ``notepad``: .. code-block:: none > cd Desktop\pyGenClean_test > notepad conf.ini Insert the following code in the file: .. code-block:: lighttpd :linenos: [1] script = check_ethnicity ceu-bfile = check_ethnicity_HapMap_ref_pops_b37/hapmap_CEU_r23a_filtered_b37 yri-bfile = check_ethnicity_HapMap_ref_pops_b37/hapmap_YRI_r23a_filtered_b37 jpt-chb-bfile = check_ethnicity_HapMap_ref_pops_b37/hapmap_JPT_CHB_r23a_filtered_b37 nb-components = 2 multiplier = 1 [2] script = sex_check Finally, run the following command: .. code-block:: none > run_pyGenClean ^ --conf conf.ini ^ --bfile pyGenClean_test_data\1000G_EUR-MXL_Human610-Quad-v1_H Results ------- Valuable information will be shown on the command prompt. Once the program has finished, the results are in the new directory ``data_clean_up.date_time`` where ``date`` is the current date, and ``time`` is the time when the program started. Here are the new directory structure, with only the files you might be interested in: * ``data_clean_up.data_time\`` * ``pyGenClean.log`` * ``automatic_report.tex`` * ``excluded_markers.txt`` * ``excluded_samples.txt`` * ``1_check_ethnicity\`` * ``ethnicity.before.png`` * ``ethnicity.outliers.png`` * ``ethnicity.outliers`` * ``ethnicity.population_file_outliers`` * ``2_sex_check\`` * ``sexcheck.list_problem_sex`` The file ``pyGenClean.log`` contain the information that was displayed in the console. The file ``automatic_report.txt`` contain the automatic report generated by :py:mod:`pyGenClean`. The files ``excluded_markers.txt`` and ``excluded_samples.txt`` contains the list of markers and samples, respectively, that were excluded from the dataset (with the reason). 1_check_ethnicity/ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The first image in the first directory (:ref:`test_ethnicity_before_win_figure`) shows the MDS values for each sample before outlier detection. The second image (:ref:`test_ethnicity_outliers_win_figure`) shows the outliers that should be removed for further analysis. Finally, the file ``ethnicity.outliers`` include a list of samples that should be removed for further analysis. **The total number of outliers for this test should be exactly 63**. For more information about the results of this module, refer to Section :ref:`ethnicity_module_label`. .. _test_ethnicity_before_win_figure: .. figure:: _static/images/installation/ethnicity_before.png :align: center :width: 50% :alt: Ethnic Before Outliers ethnicity.before.png .. _test_ethnicity_outliers_win_figure: .. figure:: _static/images/installation/ethnicity_outliers.png :align: center :width: 50% :alt: Ethnic After Outliers ethnicity.outliers.png 2_sex_check/ ^^^^^^^^^^^^ In the second directory, there should be a file containing the list of samples with gender problem. **There should be exactly 4 samples with gender problem.** For more information about this module, refer to Section :ref:`sexcheck_module_lable`. If you want to compare your results with the expected ones, just download the files in the archive ``pyGenClean_expected_results.tar.bz2``, available through ` `_. They were generated using Fedora 18 (64 bits) in about 20 minutes. You should at least compare the following files: * ``1_check_ethnicity`` * ``ethnicity.outliers`` * ``ethnicity.population_file_outliers`` * All the figures (they might be mirrored). * ``2_sex_check`` * ``sexcheck.list_problem_sex`` * ``sexcheck.list_problem_sex_ids`` Automatic report ---------------- If LaTeX is installed, you can perform the following commands to compile the automatic report into a PDF file. .. code-block:: console $ pdflatex automatic_report.tex $ pdflatex automatic_report.tex $ pdflatex automatic_report.tex The `following PDF report <_static/images/installation/automatic_report.pdf>`_ will be generated.