.. pyplink documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Fri Mar 10 09:00:31 2017. pyplink ======== :py:mod:`pyplink` is a Python (2 and 3) binary Plink file parser and writer released under the MIT licence. The difference with existing parsers (and Plink itself) is that :py:mod:`pyplink` does not load the BED file in memory, making possible to work with extremely large files (*e.g.* 1000 Genomes Phase 3 files). For more information on how to use :py:mod:`pyplink`, refer to the :doc:`API documentation `. Below is a snippet describing the most common usage of the module. .. code-block:: python from pyplink import PyPlink with PyPlink("plink_file_prefix") as bed: # Getting the BIM and FAM bim = bed.get_bim() fam = bed.get_fam() # Iterating over all loci for loci_name, genotypes in bed: pass # Getting the genotypes of a single marker (numpy.ndarray) genotypes = bed.get_geno_marker("rs12345") .. toctree:: :hidden: installation pyplink