Source code for pyGenClean.LaTeX.auto_report

#!/usr/bin/env python2.7

# This file is part of pyGenClean.
# pyGenClean is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# pyGenClean is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# pyGenClean.  If not, see <>.

import os
import re
from datetime import datetime

from . import utils as latex
from ..pipeline_error import ProgramError
from .. import __version__ as pygenclean_version

[docs]def create_report(outdirname, report_filename, **kwargs): """Creates a LaTeX report. :param report_filename: the name of the file. :param outdirname: the name of the output directory. :type report_filename: str :type outdirname: str """ # Checking the required variables if "steps" in kwargs: assert "descriptions" in kwargs assert "long_descriptions" in kwargs assert "steps_filename" not in kwargs else: assert "steps_filename" in kwargs assert "descriptions" not in kwargs assert "long_descriptions" not in kwargs assert "summaries" in kwargs assert "background" in kwargs assert "project_name" in kwargs assert "summary_fn" in kwargs assert "report_title" in kwargs assert "report_author" in kwargs assert "initial_files" in kwargs assert "final_nb_markers" in kwargs assert "final_nb_samples" in kwargs assert "final_files" in kwargs assert "plink_version" in kwargs assert "graphic_paths_fn" in kwargs # Formatting the background section background_section = _format_background(kwargs["background"]) # Writing the method steps to a separate file (for access later) steps_filename = None if "steps_filename" in kwargs: steps_filename = kwargs["steps_filename"] else: steps_filename = os.path.join(outdirname, "steps_summary.tex") with open(steps_filename, "w") as o_file: zipped = zip(kwargs["steps"], kwargs["descriptions"], kwargs["long_descriptions"]) for step, desc, long_desc in zipped: if desc.endswith("."): desc = desc[:-1] step = step.replace("_", r"\_") to_print = latex.item(desc) to_print += " [{}].".format(latex.texttt(step)) if long_desc is not None: to_print += " " + long_desc print >>o_file, latex.wrap_lines(to_print) + "\n" # Adding the content of the results section result_summaries = [] for name in kwargs["summaries"]: full_path = os.path.abspath(name) if os.path.isfile(full_path): rel_path = os.path.relpath(full_path, outdirname) result_summaries.append(re.sub(r"\\", "/", rel_path)) # Reading the initial_files file initial_files = None with open(kwargs["initial_files"], "r") as i_file: initial_files = # Reading the final_files file final_files = None with open(kwargs["final_files"], "r") as i_file: final_files = [i.split("\t")[0] for i in] # Adding the bibliography content biblio_entry = latex.bib_entry( name="pyGenClean", authors="Lemieux Perreault LP, Provost S, Legault MA, Barhdadi A, " r"Dub\'e MP", title="pyGenClean: efficient tool for genetic data clean up before " "association testing", journal="Bioinformatics", year="2013", volume="29", number="13", pages="1704--1705", ) + "\n" * 2 + latex.bib_entry( name="plink", authors="Purcell S, Neale B, Todd-Brown K, Thomas L, Ferreira MAR, " "Bender D, Maller J, Sklar P, de Bakker PIW, Daly MJ, Sham PC", title="PLINK: a tool set for whole-genome association and " "population-based linkage analyses", journal="American Journal of Human Genetics", year="2007", volume="81", number="3", pages="559--575", ) + "\n" * 2 + latex.bib_entry( name="bafRegress", authors=r"Goo J, Matthew F, Kurt NH, Jane MR, Kimberly FD, " r"Gon{\c{c}}alo RA, Michael B, Hyun Min K", title="Detecting and estimating contamination of human DNA samples in " "sequencing and array-based genotype data", journal="The American Journal of Human Genetics", year="2012", volume="91", number="5", pages="839--848", ) # Getting the template main_template = latex.jinja2_env.get_template("main_document.tex") # Getting the data today = # Reading the graphics path graphic_paths = [] if kwargs["graphic_paths_fn"] is not None: with open(kwargs["graphic_paths_fn"], "r") as i_file: graphic_paths = [ re.sub(r"\\", "/", path) + ("" if path.endswith("/") else "/") for path in ] try: with open(report_filename, "w") as i_file: # Rendering the template print >>i_file, main_template.render( project_name=latex.sanitize_tex(kwargs["project_name"]), month=today.strftime("%B"),, year=today.year, background_content=background_section, result_summaries=result_summaries, bibliography_content=biblio_entry, pygenclean_version=pygenclean_version, plink_version=kwargs["plink_version"], steps_filename=os.path.basename(steps_filename), final_results=_create_summary_table( kwargs["summary_fn"], latex.jinja2_env.get_template("summary_table.tex"), nb_samples=kwargs["final_nb_samples"], nb_markers=kwargs["final_nb_markers"], ), report_title=latex.sanitize_tex(kwargs["report_title"]), report_author=latex.sanitize_tex(kwargs["report_author"]), initial_files=initial_files, final_files=final_files, final_nb_samples=kwargs["final_nb_samples"], final_nb_markers=kwargs["final_nb_markers"], graphic_paths=graphic_paths, ) except IOError: msg = "{}: could not create report".format(report_filename) raise ProgramError(msg)
def _format_background(background): """Formats the background section :param background: the background content or file. :type background: str or file :returns: the background content. :rtype: str """ # Getting the background if os.path.isfile(background): with open(background, "r") as i_file: background = else: background = background.splitlines() # Formatting final_background = "" for line in background: if line == "": final_background += r"\\" + "\n\n" continue final_background += latex.wrap_lines(latex.sanitize_tex(line)) return final_background def _create_summary_table(fn, template, nb_samples, nb_markers): """Creates the final table. :param fn: the name of the file containing the summary. :param template: the Jinja2 template. :param nb_samples: the final number of samples. :param nb_markers: the final number of markers. :type fn: str :type template: Jinja2.template :type nb_samples: str :type nb_markers: str """ # The final data table_data = [] # Reading the summary file with open(fn, "r") as i_file: data = None line = i_file.readline() while line != "": if line.startswith("#"): # If there is data, this isn't the first line, so we save if data: table_data.append(data) # This is the 'header' of a section (hence a new section) data = dict( header=line.rstrip("\r\n").split(" ")[1], data=[], ) # Changing to next line line = i_file.readline() continue # If the line starts with '---', then it's a horizontal line if line.startswith("---"): data["data"].append(dict(hline=True)) # Changing to next line line = i_file.readline() continue # If the line starts with ' -', then it's a sub section if line.startswith(" -"): tmp = line[4:].rstrip("\r\n").split("\t") if data["header"].endswith("/subset"): if tmp[0].startswith("_file_path:"): tmp[0] = r"\path{" + tmp[0][11:] + "}" elif data["header"].endswith("/flag_hw"): tmp[0] = latex.format_numbers(tmp[0], prefix="p < ") else: tmp = map(latex.sanitize_tex, tmp) if tmp[0].startswith("x"): tmp[0] = latex.inline_math(r"\times " + tmp[0][1:]) data["data"].append(dict( hline=False, multicol=False, row_data=tmp, )) # Changing to next line line = i_file.readline() continue # This is a regular line data["data"].append(dict( hline=False, multicol=True, row_data=map( latex.sanitize_tex, line.rstrip("\r\n").split("\t"), ), )) # Skipping to next line line = i_file.readline() # We add the last entry table_data.append(data) # Rendering return template.render(table_data=table_data, final_nb_markers=nb_markers, final_nb_samples=nb_samples)