Source code for pyGenClean.LaTeX.utils

#!/usr/bin/env python2.7

# This file is part of pyGenClean.
# pyGenClean is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# pyGenClean is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# pyGenClean.  If not, see <>.

import os
import re
import textwrap
from string import Template

import jinja2

_char_mod = {
    "~": r"$\sim$",
_escaped_char = ["$", "%", "_", "}", "{", "&", "#"]

# The document template
jinja2_env = jinja2.Environment(
        loader=jinja2.PackageLoader(__name__, "templates"),

[docs]def section(name): """Creates a new section in LaTeX. :param name: the name of the new section. :type name: str :returns: a LaTeX string containing a new section. :rtype: str """ return r"\section{" + name + "}"
[docs]def subsection(name): """Creates a new section in LaTeX. :param name: the name of the new section. :type name: str :returns: a LaTeX string containing a new section. :rtype: str """ return r"\subsection{" + name + "}"
[docs]def item(text): """Returns an LaTeX item (for enumerate or itemize). :param text: the text. :type text: str :returns: a LaTeX item. """ return r"\item " + text
[docs]def texttt(text): """Returns type writer font. :param text: the text. :type text: str :returns: a type writer font. """ return r"\texttt{" + text + "}"
[docs]def textit(text): """Returns italic font. :param text: the text. :type text: str :returns: an italic font. """ return r"\textit{" + text + "}"
[docs]def textbf(text): """Returns bold font. :param text: the text. :type text: str :returns: an bold font. """ return r"\textbf{" + text + "}"
[docs]def bib_entry(**kwargs): """Creates a bibliography entry. :param name: the name of the entry. :param authors: the authors. :param title: the title. :param journal: the journal. :param year: the year. :param volume: the volume. :param number: the number. :param pages: the pages. :type name: str :type authors: str :type title: str :type journal: str :type year: str :type volume: str :type number: str :type pages: str :returns: a bib entry. """ bib_entry = Template(r"""\bibitem{${name}} ${authors}: \textbf{${title}.} \emph{${journal}} ${year}, \textbf{${volume}}(${number}): ${pages}""") return bib_entry.substitute(kwargs)
[docs]def wrap_lines(content, length=80): """Wraps long lines to a maximum length of 80. :param content: the content to wrap. :param legnth: the maximum length to wrap the content. :type content: str :type length: int :returns: a string containing the wrapped content. :rtype: str """ return "\n".join(textwrap.wrap(content, length, break_long_words=False))
[docs]def format_numbers(number, prefix=""): """Formats number in the scientific notation for LaTeX. :param number: the number to format. :param prefix: a prefix to add before the number (e.g. "p < "). :type number: str :type prefix: str :returns: a string containing the scientific notation of the number. :rtype: str """ # Matching r = re.match(r"^([-+]?\d*\.\d+|\d+)e([-+]?\d+)$", number) # Nothing matched if not r: if prefix != "": return "$" + prefix + number + "$" else: return number # Getting the coefficient and the exponent coefficient = exponent = int( return "$" + prefix + coefficient + r"\times 10^{" + str(exponent) + "}$"
[docs]def sanitize_fig_name(name): """Sanitizes the name of a file (for including graphics in LaTeX). :param name: the name of the file to sanitize. :type name: str :returns: the sanitized name. For example, if the name of the graphic file is ``test.1.png``, the sanitized version of it for LaTeX is ``{test.1}.png``. """ name, extension = os.path.splitext(name) return "{" + name + "}" + extension
[docs]def sanitize_tex(original_text): """Sanitize TeX text. :param original_text: the text to sanitize for LaTeX. :type original_text: str :returns: the sanitize text. Text is sanitized by following these steps: 1. Replaces ``\\` by ``\\textbackslash`` 2. Escapes certain characters (such as ``$``, ``%``, ``_``, ``}``, ``{``, ``&`` and ``#``) by adding a backslash (*e.g.* from ``&`` to ``\\&``). 3. Replaces special characters such as ``~`` by the LaTeX equivalent (*e.g.* from ``~`` to ``$\\sim$``). """ # The backslashes sanitized_tex = original_text.replace("\\", r"\textbackslash ") # Escaping sanitized_tex = re.sub(r"([{}])".format("".join(_escaped_char)), r"\\\g<1>", sanitized_tex) # Replacing for character, mod in _char_mod.items(): sanitized_tex = sanitized_tex.replace(character, mod) return sanitized_tex
[docs]def inline_math(text): """Creates an inline mathematical formula.""" return "$" + text + "$"