Source code for pyGenClean.Misc.compare_gold_standard

#!/usr/bin/env python2.7

# This file is part of pyGenClean.
# pyGenClean is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# pyGenClean is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# pyGenClean.  If not, see <>.

import re
import os
import sys
import gzip
import shutil
import logging
import argparse
import subprocess

from .. import __version__
from ..PlinkUtils import createRowFromPlinkSpacedOutput
from ..DupSNPs.duplicated_snps import flipGenotype

logger = logging.getLogger("compare_gold_standard")

[docs]def main(argString=None): # Getting and checking the options args = parseArgs(argString) checkArgs(args)"Options used:") for key, value in vars(args).iteritems():" --{} {}".format(key.replace("_", "-"), value)) # Reading the same sample file"Reading the same samples file") same_samples = read_same_samples_file(args.same_samples, args.out) required_samples = set([i[0] for i in same_samples] + [i[1] for i in same_samples])" - Found a total of {} unique " "samples".format(len(required_samples))) # Check the fam files"Checking in fam files for required samples") if not check_fam_for_samples(required_samples, args.bfile + ".fam", args.gold_bfile + ".fam"):" - Didn't find all required samples... STOP") sys.exit(0) # Find overlap markers with the gold standard file"Finding overlapping SNPs with gold standard") findOverlappingSNPsWithGoldStandard(args.bfile, args.gold_bfile, args.out, args.use_marker_names) # Extract the required SNPs using Plink"Extracting overlapping SNPs from the gold standard and the " "source panel") extractSNPs([args.gold_bfile, args.bfile], [args.out + ".gold_snp_to_extract", args.out + ".source_snp_to_extract"], [args.out + ".gold_standard", args.out + ".source_panel"], args.sge) gold_input_prefix = args.out + ".gold_standard" # Renaiming the reference file, so that the SNP names are the same if not args.use_marker_names:"Renaming gold standard's SNPs to match source panel") renameSNPs(args.out + ".gold_standard", args.out + ".update_names", args.out + ".gold_standard.rename") gold_input_prefix = args.out + ".gold_standard.rename" # Finding the SNPs to flip and flip them in the gold standard if not args.do_not_flip: # Computing the frequency"Computing gold standard frequencies") computeFrequency(gold_input_prefix, gold_input_prefix + ".frequency") source_alleles = None if args.source_manifest is not None:"Reading the source manifest") source_alleles = read_source_manifest(args.source_manifest) else:"Reading the allele file") source_alleles = read_source_alleles(args.source_alleles)"Finding SNPs to flip or to exclude from gold standard") findFlippedSNPs(gold_input_prefix + ".frequency.frq", source_alleles, args.out) # Excluding SNPs"Excluding SNPs and samples from the gold standard") exclude_SNPs_samples(gold_input_prefix, gold_input_prefix + ".cleaned", args.out + ".snp_to_remove", args.out + ".gold_samples2keep")"Excluding SNPs and samples from source panel") exclude_SNPs_samples(args.out + ".source_panel", args.out + ".source_panel.cleaned", args.out + ".snp_to_remove", args.out + ".source_panel_samples2keep") # Flipping the SNP that need to be flip in the gold standard"Flipping SNPs in gold standard") flipSNPs(gold_input_prefix + ".cleaned", gold_input_prefix + ".cleaned.flipped", args.out + ".snp_to_flip_in_reference") # Splitting the files, and running the duplicated samples script"Computing statistics") compute_statistics(args.out + ".duplicated_samples", gold_input_prefix + ".cleaned.flipped", args.out + ".source_panel.cleaned", same_samples, args.sge, args.out) else: # We do not need to flip... # Splitting the files, and running the duplicated samples script"Keeping samples from the gold standard") exclude_SNPs_samples(gold_input_prefix, gold_input_prefix + ".cleaned", keepSample=args.out + ".gold_samples2keep")"Keeping samples from source panel") exclude_SNPs_samples( args.out + ".source_panel", args.out + ".source_panel.cleaned", keepSample=args.out + ".source_panel_samples2keep", )"Computing statistics") compute_statistics(args.out + ".duplicated_samples", gold_input_prefix + ".cleaned", args.out + ".source_panel.cleaned", same_samples, args.sge, args.out)
[docs]def read_source_manifest(file_name): """Reads Illumina manifest.""" alleles = {} open_function = open if file_name.endswith(".gz"): open_function = with open_function(file_name, 'rb') as input_file: header_index = dict([ (col_name, i) for i, col_name in enumerate(input_file.readline().rstrip("\r\n").split("\t")) ]) for col_name in {"Name", "SNP", "IlmnStrand"}: if col_name not in header_index: msg = "{}: no column named {}".format(file_name, col_name) raise ProgramError(msg) for line in input_file: row = line.rstrip("\r\n").split("\t") marker_name = row[header_index["Name"]] the_alleles = row[header_index["SNP"]] strand = row[header_index["IlmnStrand"]] if (the_alleles == "[D/I]") or (the_alleles == "[I/D]"): # This is an indel, so we skip it continue top_alleles = illumina_to_snp(strand, the_alleles) allele1, allele2 = top_alleles.split(" ") alleles[marker_name] = {allele1, allele2} return alleles
[docs]def read_source_alleles(file_name): """Reads an allele file.""" alleles = {} open_function = open if file_name.endswith(".gz"): open_function = with open_function(file_name, 'rb') as input_file: for line in input_file: row = line.rstrip("\r\n").split("\t") marker_name = row[0] allele1, allele2 = row[1].split(" ") alleles[marker_name] = {allele1, allele2} return alleles
[docs]def illumina_to_snp(strand, snp): """Return the TOP strand of the marker. Function that takes a strand (TOP or BOT) and a SNP (e.g. : [A/C]) and returns a space separated AlleleA[space]AlleleB string. :param strand: Either "TOP" or "BOT" :type strand: str :param snp: [A/C], [A/T], [G/C], [T/C], [A/G], [C/G], [T/A] or [T/G]. :type snp: str :returns: The nucleotide for allele A and the nucleotide for allele B (space separated) :rtype: str """ # This correspondence matrix converts the alleles # from the annotation file to the appropriate # alleles for TOP strand. # This dictates most of the behavior for this script. # Modify it to customize allele conversion. illumina_correspondance = { "[A/C]": { "TOP": "A C", }, "[A/G]": { "TOP": "A G", }, "[T/C]": { "BOT": "A G", }, "[T/G]": { "BOT": "A C", }, "[A/T]": { "TOP": "A T", "BOT": "T A", }, "[C/G]": { "TOP": "C G", "BOT": "G C", }, "[G/C]": { "TOP": "G C", "BOT": "C G", }, "[T/A]": { "TOP": "T A", "BOT": "A T", }, } return illumina_correspondance[snp][strand]
[docs]def compute_statistics(out_dir, gold_prefix, source_prefix, same_samples, use_sge, final_out_prefix): """Compute the statistics.""" # Now, creating a temporary directory if not os.path.isdir(out_dir): try: os.mkdir(out_dir) except OSError: msg = "{}: file exists".format(out_dir) raise ProgramError(msg) # The out prefix out_prefix = os.path.join(out_dir, "tmp") # Subsetting the files" - Subsetting the files") for k, (gold_sample, source_sample) in enumerate(same_samples): # Preparing the files try: filename = out_prefix + "_{}_gold.samples".format(k) with open(filename, 'w') as output_file: print >>output_file, "\t".join(gold_sample) filename = out_prefix + "_{}_source.samples".format(k) with open(filename, "w") as output_file: print >>output_file, "\t".join(source_sample) except IOError: msg = "can't write in dir {}".format(out_dir) raise ProgramError(msg) # Preparing the files nb = len(same_samples) keepSamples( [gold_prefix]*nb + [source_prefix]*nb, [out_prefix + "_{}_gold.samples".format(i) for i in range(nb)] + [out_prefix + "_{}_source.samples".format(i) for i in range(nb)], [out_prefix + "_{}_gold".format(i) for i in range(nb)] + [out_prefix + "_{}_source".format(i) for i in range(nb)], use_sge, transpose=True, ) # Creating reports # The diff file diff_file = None try: diff_file = open(final_out_prefix + ".diff", 'w') except IOError: msg = "{}: can't write file".format(final_out_prefix + ".diff") raise ProgramError(msg) # The diff file header print >>diff_file, "\t".join(["name", "famID_source", "indID_source", "famID_gold", "indID_gold", "geno_source", "geno_gold"]) # The concordance file concordance_file = None try: concordance_file = open(final_out_prefix + ".concordance", "w") except IOError: msg = "{}: can't write file".format(final_out_prefix + ".concordance") raise ProgramError(msg) # The concordance file header print >>concordance_file, "\t".join(["famID_source", "indID_source", "famID_gold", "indID_gold", "nb_geno", "nb_diff", "concordance"]) for k in range(nb): # The samples gold_sample, source_sample = same_samples[k] # Reading the source freq file source_genotypes = {} filename = out_prefix + "_{}_source.tped".format(k) try: with open(filename, 'r') as input_file: for line in input_file: row = line.rstrip("\r\n").split("\t") marker_name = row[1] geno = row[4] if geno != "0 0": geno = set(geno.split(" ")) source_genotypes[marker_name] = geno except IOError: msg = "{}: no such file".format(filename) raise ProgramError(msg) # Reading the gold freq file gold_genotypes = {} filename = out_prefix + "_{}_gold.tped".format(k) try: with open(filename, 'r') as input_file: for line in input_file: row = line.rstrip("\r\n").split("\t") marker_name = row[1] geno = row[4] if geno != "0 0": geno = set(geno.split(" ")) gold_genotypes[marker_name] = geno except IOError: msg = "{}: no such file".format(filename) raise ProgramError(msg) # The genotyped markers in both, with their number genotyped_markers = source_genotypes.viewkeys() & \ gold_genotypes.viewkeys() nb_genotyped = len(genotyped_markers) # Finding the number of differences, and creating the diff file nb_diff = 0 for marker_name in genotyped_markers: # Getting the genotypes source_geno = source_genotypes[marker_name] gold_geno = gold_genotypes[marker_name] # Comparing the genotypes if source_geno != gold_geno: nb_diff += 1 source_geno_print = list(source_geno - {"0"}) source_geno_print.sort() if len(source_geno_print) == 1: source_geno_print.append(source_geno_print[0]) gold_geno_print = list(gold_geno - {"0"}) gold_geno_print.sort() if len(gold_geno_print) == 1: gold_geno_print.append(gold_geno_print[0]) # We print in the diff file print >>diff_file, "\t".join([marker_name, "\t".join(source_sample), "\t".join(gold_sample), "/".join(source_geno_print), "/".join(gold_geno_print)]) # Creating the concordance file concordance = 0.0 if nb_genotyped != 0: concordance = (nb_genotyped - nb_diff) / float(nb_genotyped) print >>concordance_file, "\t".join(["\t".join(source_sample), "\t".join(gold_sample), str(nb_genotyped), str(nb_diff), str(concordance)]) # Closing the output files diff_file.close() concordance_file.close() # Deleating the temporary directory try: shutil.rmtree(out_dir) except IOError: print >>sys.stderr, " - Can't delete {}".format(out_dir)
[docs]def check_fam_for_samples(required_samples, source, gold): """Check fam files for required_samples.""" # Checking the source panel source_samples = set() with open(source, 'r') as input_file: for line in input_file: sample = tuple(line.rstrip("\r\n").split(" ")[:2]) if sample in required_samples: source_samples.add(sample) # Checking the gold standard gold_samples = set() with open(gold, 'r') as input_file: for line in input_file: sample = tuple(line.rstrip("\r\n").split(" ")[:2]) if sample in required_samples: gold_samples.add(sample) # Checking if we got everything" - Found {} samples in source panel".format( len(source_samples), ))" - Found {} samples in gold standard".format( len(gold_samples), )) if len(required_samples - (source_samples | gold_samples)) != 0: return False else: return True
[docs]def read_same_samples_file(filename, out_prefix): """Reads a file containing same samples.""" # The same samples same_samples = [] # Creating the extraction files gold_file = None try: gold_file = open(out_prefix + ".gold_samples2keep", 'w') except IOError: msg = "{}: can't create file".format(out_prefix + ".gold_samples2keep") raise ProgramError(msg) source_file = None try: source_file = open(out_prefix + ".source_panel_samples2keep", 'w') except IOError: msg = ("{}: can't create " "file".format(out_prefix + ".source_panel_samples2keep")) raise ProgramError(msg) with open(filename, 'r') as input_file: for line in input_file: row = line.rstrip("\r\n").split("\t") # Getting the samples gold_sample = tuple(row[:2]) source_sample = tuple(row[2:]) same_samples.append((gold_sample, source_sample)) # Printing files print >>gold_file, "\t".join(gold_sample) print >>source_file, "\t".join(source_sample) # Closing the files gold_file.close() source_file.close() return same_samples
[docs]def flipSNPs(inPrefix, outPrefix, flipFileName): """Flip SNPs using Plink.""" plinkCommand = ["plink", "--noweb", "--bfile", inPrefix, "--flip", flipFileName, "--make-bed", "--out", outPrefix] runCommand(plinkCommand)
[docs]def exclude_SNPs_samples(inPrefix, outPrefix, exclusionSNP=None, keepSample=None, transpose=False): """Exclude some SNPs and keep some samples using Plink.""" if (exclusionSNP is None) and (keepSample is None): msg = "Something wront with development... work on that source code..." raise ProgramError(msg) plinkCommand = ["plink", "--noweb", "--bfile", inPrefix, "--out", outPrefix] if exclusionSNP is not None: # We want to exclude SNP plinkCommand.extend(["--exclude", exclusionSNP]) if keepSample is not None: # We want to keep samples plinkCommand.extend(["--keep", keepSample]) if transpose: # We want a transpose ped file plinkCommand.extend(["--recode", "--transpose", "--tab"]) else: # We want a binary file plinkCommand.append("--make-bed") runCommand(plinkCommand)
[docs]def renameSNPs(inPrefix, updateFileName, outPrefix): """Updates the name of the SNPs using Plink.""" plinkCommand = ["plink", "--noweb", "--bfile", inPrefix, "--update-map", updateFileName, "--update-name", "--make-bed", "--out", outPrefix] runCommand(plinkCommand)
[docs]def findFlippedSNPs(goldFrqFile1, sourceAlleles, outPrefix): """Find flipped SNPs and flip them in the data1.""" goldAlleles = {} with open(goldFrqFile1, "r") as inputFile: headerIndex = None for i, line in enumerate(inputFile): row = createRowFromPlinkSpacedOutput(line) if i == 0: # This is the header headerIndex = dict([ (row[j], j) for j in xrange(len(row)) ]) # Checking the columns for columnName in ["SNP", "A1", "A2"]: if columnName not in headerIndex: msg = "%(fileName)s: no column named " \ "%(columnName)s" % locals() raise ProgramError(msg) else: snpName = row[headerIndex["SNP"]] allele1 = row[headerIndex["A1"]] allele2 = row[headerIndex["A2"]] alleles = set([allele1, allele2]) if "0" in alleles: alleles.remove("0") goldAlleles[snpName] = alleles # Finding the SNPs to flip toFlipOutputFile = None try: toFlipOutputFile = open(outPrefix + ".snp_to_flip_in_reference", "w") except IOError: msg = "%(outPrefix)s.snp_to_flip_in_reference: can't write " \ "file" % locals() raise ProgramError(msg) toRemoveOutputFile = None try: toRemoveOutputFile = open(outPrefix + ".snp_to_remove", "w") except IOError: msg = "%(outPrefix)s.snp_to_remove: can't write file" % locals() raise ProgramError(msg) toRemoveOutputFileExplanation = None try: toRemoveOutputFileExplanation = open( outPrefix + ".snp_to_remove.explanation", "w", ) print >>toRemoveOutputFileExplanation, "\t".join(["Name", "Reason", "Alleles 1", "Alleles 2"]) except IOError: msg = "%(outPrefix)s.snp_to_remove: can't write file" % locals() raise ProgramError(msg) for snpName in goldAlleles.iterkeys(): alleles1 = goldAlleles[snpName] alleles2 = sourceAlleles[snpName] if (len(alleles1) == 2) and (len(alleles2) == 2): # Both are heterozygous if (({"A", "T"} == alleles1 and {"A", "T"} == alleles2) or ({"C", "G"} == alleles1 and {"C", "G"} == alleles2)): # We can't flip those..., so we remove them print >>toRemoveOutputFile, snpName print >>toRemoveOutputFileExplanation, "\t".join([ snpName, "Undetermined", "".join(alleles1), "".join(alleles2), ]) else: if alleles1 != alleles2: # Let's try the flip one if flipGenotype(alleles1) == alleles2: # We need to flip it print >>toFlipOutputFile, snpName else: # Those SNP are discordant... print >>toRemoveOutputFile, snpName print >>toRemoveOutputFileExplanation, "\t".join([ snpName, "Invalid", "".join(alleles1), "".join(alleles2), ]) else: # We want to remove this SNP, because there is at least one # homozygous individual print >>toRemoveOutputFile, snpName tmp_allele1 = "".join(alleles1) if len(alleles1) == 1: tmp_allele1 += tmp_allele1 tmp_allele2 = "".join(alleles1) if len(alleles1) == 1: tmp_allele2 += tmp_allele2 print >>toRemoveOutputFileExplanation, "\t".join([snpName, "Homozygous", tmp_allele1, tmp_allele2]) # Closing output files toFlipOutputFile.close() toRemoveOutputFile.close() toRemoveOutputFileExplanation.close()
[docs]def computeFrequency(prefix, outPrefix): """Compute the frequency using Plink.""" plinkCommand = ["plink", "--noweb", "--bfile", prefix, "--freq", "--out", outPrefix] runCommand(plinkCommand)
[docs]def findOverlappingSNPsWithGoldStandard(prefix, gold_prefixe, out_prefix, use_marker_names=False): """Find the overlapping SNPs in 4 different data sets.""" # Reading the main file sourceSnpToExtract = {} if use_marker_names: sourceSnpToExtract = set() duplicates = set() try: with open(prefix + ".bim", "r") as inputFile: for line in inputFile: row = line.rstrip("\r\n").split("\t") chromosome = row[0] position = row[3] snpName = row[1] if use_marker_names: sourceSnpToExtract.add(snpName) else: if (chromosome, position) not in sourceSnpToExtract: sourceSnpToExtract[(chromosome, position)] = snpName else: # It's a duplicate duplicates.add((chromosome, position)) except IOError: msg = "%s.bim: no such file" % prefix raise ProgramError(msg) # Removing duplicates from the list if not use_marker_names:" - There are {} duplicated markers " "in {};".format(len(duplicates), prefix + ".bim"))" - removing them for simplicity...") for snpID in duplicates: del sourceSnpToExtract[snpID] # Reading the Gold standard files goldSnpToExtract = {} if use_marker_names: goldSnpToExtract = set() with open(gold_prefixe + ".bim", "r") as inputFile: for line in inputFile: row = line.rstrip("\r\n").split("\t") chromosome = row[0] position = row[3] snpName = row[1] if use_marker_names: if snpName in sourceSnpToExtract: goldSnpToExtract.add(snpName) else: if (chromosome, position) in sourceSnpToExtract: # We want this SNP goldSnpToExtract[(chromosome, position)] = snpName # Printing the names of the SNPs to extract goldOutputFile = None try: goldOutputFile = open(out_prefix + ".gold_snp_to_extract", "w") except IOError: msg = "%(out_prefix)s.goldSnpToExtract: can't write file" % locals() raise ProgramError(msg) sourceOutputFile = None try: sourceOutputFile = open(out_prefix + ".source_snp_to_extract", "w") except IOError: msg = "%(out_prefix)s.sourceSnpToExtract: can't write file" % locals() raise ProgramError(msg) changeNameOutputFile = None try: changeNameOutputFile = open(out_prefix + ".update_names", "w") except IOError: msg = "%(out_prefix)s.updateNames: can't write file" % locals() raise ProgramError(msg) # Writing the file if use_marker_names: for snpName in goldSnpToExtract: print >>sourceOutputFile, snpName print >>goldOutputFile, snpName else: for snpID in goldSnpToExtract.iterkeys(): print >>sourceOutputFile, sourceSnpToExtract[snpID] print >>goldOutputFile, goldSnpToExtract[snpID] print >>changeNameOutputFile, "\t".join([ goldSnpToExtract[snpID], sourceSnpToExtract[snpID], ]) # Closing the output file goldOutputFile.close() sourceOutputFile.close() changeNameOutputFile.close()
[docs]def extractSNPs(prefixes, snpToExtractFileNames, outPrefixes, runSGE): """Extract a list of SNPs using Plink.""" s = None jobIDs = [] jobTemplates = [] if runSGE: # Add the environment variable for DRMAA package if "DRMAA_LIBRARY_PATH" not in os.environ: t = "/shares/data/sge/lib/lx24-amd64/" os.environ["DRMAA_LIBRARY_PATH"] = t # Import the python drmaa library try: import drmaa except ImportError: raise ProgramError("drmaa is not install, install drmaa") # Initializing a session s = drmaa.Session() s.initialize() for k, prefix in enumerate(prefixes): plinkCommand = ["plink", "--noweb", "--bfile", prefix, "--extract", snpToExtractFileNames[k], "--make-bed", "--out", outPrefixes[k]] if runSGE: # We run using SGE # Creating the job template jt = s.createJobTemplate() jt.remoteCommand = plinkCommand[0] jt.workingDirectory = os.getcwd() jt.jobEnvironment = os.environ jt.args = plinkCommand[1:] jt.jobName = "_plink_extract_snps" # Running the job jobID = s.runJob(jt) # Storing the job template and the job ID jobTemplates.append(jt) jobIDs.append(jobID) else: # We run normal runCommand(plinkCommand) if runSGE: # We wait for all the jobs to be over hadProblems = [] for jobID in jobIDs: retVal = s.wait(jobID, drmaa.Session.TIMEOUT_WAIT_FOREVER) hadProblems.append(retVal.exitStatus == 0) # The jobs should be finished, so we clean everything # Deleating the job template, and exiting the session for jt in jobTemplates: s.deleteJobTemplate(jt) # Closing the connection s.exit() for hadProblem in hadProblems: if not hadProblem: msg = "Some SGE jobs had errors..." raise ProgramError(msg)
[docs]def keepSamples(prefixes, samplesToExtractFileNames, outPrefixes, runSGE, transpose=False): """Extract a list of SNPs using Plink.""" s = None jobIDs = [] jobTemplates = [] if runSGE: # Add the environment variable for DRMAA package if "DRMAA_LIBRARY_PATH" not in os.environ: t = "/shares/data/sge/lib/lx24-amd64/" os.environ["DRMAA_LIBRARY_PATH"] = t # Import the python drmaa library import drmaa # Initializing a session s = drmaa.Session() s.initialize() for k, prefix in enumerate(prefixes): plinkCommand = ["plink", "--noweb", "--bfile", prefix, "--keep", samplesToExtractFileNames[k], "--out", outPrefixes[k]] if transpose: plinkCommand.extend(["--recode", "--transpose", "--tab"]) else: plinkCommand.append("--make-bed") if runSGE: # We run using SGE # Creating the job template jt = s.createJobTemplate() jt.remoteCommand = plinkCommand[0] jt.workingDirectory = os.getcwd() jt.jobEnvironment = os.environ jt.args = plinkCommand[1:] jt.jobName = "_plink_keep_samples" # Running the job jobID = s.runJob(jt) # Storing the job template and the job ID jobTemplates.append(jt) jobIDs.append(jobID) else: # We run normal runCommand(plinkCommand) if runSGE: # We wait for all the jobs to be over hadProblems = [] for jobID in jobIDs: retVal = s.wait(jobID, drmaa.Session.TIMEOUT_WAIT_FOREVER) hadProblems.append(retVal.exitStatus == 0) # The jobs should be finished, so we clean everything # Deleating the job template, and exiting the session for jt in jobTemplates: s.deleteJobTemplate(jt) # Closing the connection s.exit() for hadProblem in hadProblems: if not hadProblem: msg = "Some SGE jobs had errors..." raise ProgramError(msg)
[docs]def runCommand(command): """Run a command.""" output = None try: output = subprocess.check_output(command, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=False) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: msg = "couldn't run command\n" + " ".join(command) raise ProgramError(msg)
[docs]def checkArgs(args): """Checks the arguments and options. :param args: a :py:class:`Namespace` object containing the options of the program. :type args: :py:class:`argparse.Namespace` :returns: ``True`` if everything was OK. If there is a problem with an option, an exception is raised using the :py:class:`ProgramError` class, a message is printed to the :class:`sys.stderr` and the program exists with code 1. """ # Check if we have the binary files for prefix in [args.bfile, args.gold_bfile]: if prefix is None: msg = "no input file" raise ProgramError(msg) for fileName in [prefix + i for i in [".bed", ".bim", ".fam"]]: if not os.path.isfile(fileName): msg = "{}: no such file".format(fileName) raise ProgramError(msg) # Check for the same sample file if not os.path.isfile(args.same_samples): msg = "{}: no such file".format(args.same_samples) raise ProgramError(msg) # Check we have either a manifest or a allele file if (args.source_manifest is None) and (args.source_alleles is None): msg = ("need an allele file (either an Illumina manifest " "[--source-manifest] or a file containing alleles for each " "marker [--source-alleles]") raise ProgramError(msg) if ((args.source_manifest is not None) and (args.source_alleles is not None)): msg = ("use either --source-manifest or --source-alleles, not both") raise ProgramError(msg) # Check for the manifests if args.source_manifest is not None: if not os.path.isfile(args.source_manifest): msg = "{}: no such file".format(args.source_manifest) raise ProgramError(msg) if args.source_alleles is not None: if not os.path.isfile(args.source_alleles): msg = "{}: no such file".format(args.source_alleles) raise ProgramError(msg) return True
[docs]def parseArgs(argString=None): # pragma: no cover """Parses the command line options and arguments. :returns: A :py:class:`numpy.Namespace` object created by the :py:mod:`argparse` module. It contains the values of the different options. ====================== ======= ============================================ Options Type Description ====================== ======= ============================================ ``--bfile`` string The input file prefix (will find the plink binary files by appending the prefix to the ``.bim``, ``.bed`` and ``.fam`` files, respectively). ``--gold-bfile`` string The input file prefix (will find the plink binary files by appending the prefix to the ``.bim``, ``.bed`` and ``.fam`` files, respectively) for the Gold Standard. ``--same-samples`` string A file containing samples which are present in both the gold standard and the source panel. One line by identity and tab separated. For each row, first sample is Gold Standard, second is source panel. ``--source-manifest`` string The illumina marker manifest. This file should have tabs as field separator. There should be no lines before the main header line. There should be no lines after the last data line. ``--source-alleles`` string A file containing the source alleles (TOP). Two columns (separated by tabulation, one with the marker name, the other with the alleles (separated by space). No header. ``--sge`` boolean Use SGE for parallelization. ``--do-not-flip`` boolean Do not flip SNPs. WARNING: only use this option only if the Gold Standard was generated using the same chip (hence, flipping is unnecessary). ``--use-marker-names`` boolean Use marker names instead of (chr, position). WARNING: only use this options only if the Gold Standard was generated using the same chip (hence, they have the same marker names). ``--out`` string The prefix of the output files. ====================== ======= ============================================ .. note:: No option check is done here (except for the one automatically done by argparse). Those need to be done elsewhere (see :py:func:`checkArgs`). """ args = None if argString is None: args = parser.parse_args() else: args = parser.parse_args(argString) return args
[docs]class ProgramError(Exception): """An :py:class:`Exception` raised in case of a problem. :param msg: the message to print to the user before exiting. :type msg: str """ def __init__(self, msg): """Construction of the :py:class:`ProgramError` class. :param msg: the message to print to the user :type msg: str """ self.message = str(msg) def __str__(self): return self.message
# The parser object pretty_name = "Gold standard comparison" desc = "Compares the dataset with a gold standard." long_desc = ("The script compares two dataset (the study dataset and a gold " "standard) to find genotyping discordance.") parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=desc) parser.add_argument("-v", "--version", action="version", version="pyGenClean version {}".format(__version__)) # The INPUT files group = parser.add_argument_group("Input File") group.add_argument("--bfile", type=str, metavar="FILE", required=True, help=("The input file prefix (will find the plink binary " "files by appending the prefix to the .bim, .bed and " ".fam files, respectively).")) group.add_argument("--gold-bfile", type=str, metavar="FILE", required=True, help=("The input file prefix (will find the plink binary " "files by appending the prefix to the .bim, .bed and " ".fam files, respectively) for the Gold Standard.")) group.add_argument("--same-samples", type=str, metavar="FILE", required=True, help=("A file containing samples which are present in both " "the gold standard and the source panel. One line by " "identity and tab separated. For each row, first " "sample is Gold Standard, second is source panel.")) group.add_argument("--source-manifest", type=str, metavar="FILE", help=("The illumina marker manifest. This file should have " "tabs as field separator. There should be no lines " "before the main header line. There should be no " "lines after the last data line.")) group.add_argument("--source-alleles", type=str, metavar="FILE", help=("A file containing the source alleles (TOP). Two " "columns (separated by tabulation, one with the " "marker name, the other with the alleles (separated " "by space). No header.")) # The options group = parser.add_argument_group("Options") group.add_argument("--sge", action="store_true", help="Use SGE for parallelization.") group.add_argument("--do-not-flip", action="store_true", help=("Do not flip SNPs. WARNING: only use this option " "only if the Gold Standard was generated using the " "same chip (hence, flipping is unnecessary).")) group.add_argument("--use-marker-names", action="store_true", help=("Use marker names instead of (chr, position). " "WARNING: only use this options only if the Gold " "Standard was generated using the same chip (hence, " "they have the same marker names).")) # The OUTPUT files group = parser.add_argument_group("Output File") group.add_argument("--out", type=str, metavar="FILE", default="compare_with_gold", help=("The prefix of the output files. [default: " "%(default)s]"))
[docs]def safe_main(): """A safe version of the main function (that catches ProgramError).""" try: main() except KeyboardInterrupt:"Cancelled by user") sys.exit(0) except ProgramError as e: logger.error(e.message) parser.error(e.message)
if __name__ == "__main__": safe_main()