Source code for pyGenClean.SexCheck.sex_check

#!/usr/bin/env python2.7

# This file is part of pyGenClean.
# pyGenClean is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
# version.
# pyGenClean is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR
# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# pyGenClean.  If not, see <>.

import os
import sys
import logging
import argparse
import subprocess

import numpy as np

from .import gender_plot
from . import baf_lrr_plot

from .. import __version__
from ..PlinkUtils import createRowFromPlinkSpacedOutput

logger = logging.getLogger("sex_check")

[docs]def main(argString=None): """The main function of the module. :param argString: the options. :type argString: list These are the following steps: 1. Prints the options. 2. Checks if there are enough markers on the chromosome ``23`` (:py:func:`checkBim`). If not, quits here. 3. Runs the sex check analysis using Plink (:py:func:`runPlinkSexCheck`). 4. If there are no sex problems, then quits (:py:func:`readCheckSexFile`). 5. Creates the recoded file for the chromosome ``23`` (:py:func:`createPedChr23UsingPlink`). 6. Computes the heterozygosity percentage on the chromosome ``23`` (:py:func:`computeHeteroPercentage`). 7. If there are enough markers on chromosome ``24`` (at least 1), creates the recoded file for this chromosome (:py:func:`createPedChr24UsingPlink`). 8. Computes the number of no call on the chromosome ``24`` (:py:func:`computeNoCall`). 9. If required, plots the gender plot (:py:func:`createGenderPlot`). 10. If required, plots the BAF and LRR plot (:py:func:`createLrrBafPlot`). """ # Getting and checking the options args = parseArgs(argString) checkArgs(args)"Options used:") for key, value in vars(args).iteritems():" --{} {}".format(key.replace("_", "-"), value)) # Reads the bim file to see if chromosome 23 is there hasSexProblems = None if not checkBim("{}.bim".format(args.bfile), args.nbChr23, "23"):"There are not enough markers on chromosome 23: " "STOPPING NOW!") else: # Run plink "check-sex""Running Plink for sex check") runPlinkSexCheck(args) # Reading plink "check-sex" output file"Reading Plink's sex check output to find sex problems") hasSexProblems = readCheckSexFile(args.out + ".sexcheck", args.out + ".list_problem_sex", args.out + ".list_problem_sex_ids", args.femaleF, args.maleF) if hasSexProblems is not None and hasSexProblems: # Run plink to recode chr 23 in a ped format"Creating recoded file for chr23 using Plink") createPedChr23UsingPlink(args) # Compute the hetero percentage"Computing the heterozygous percentage") computeHeteroPercentage(args.out + ".chr23_recodeA.raw") # Run plink to get chr 24 if checkBim("{}.bim".format(args.bfile), 1, "24"):"Creating recoded file for chr24 using Plink") createPedChr24UsingPlink(args) # Compute the number of no call"Computing the number of no calls") computeNoCall(args.out + ".chr24_recodeA.raw") else:"Not enough markers on chr24") # If required, let's plot the gender plot if args.gender_plot:"Creating the gender plot") createGenderPlot(args.bfile, args.sex_chr_intensities, args.out + ".list_problem_sex", args.gender_plot_format, args.out) # If required, let's plot the LRR and BAF plot if args.lrr_baf:"Creating the LRR and BAF plot") createLrrBafPlot( raw_dir=args.lrr_baf_raw_dir, problematic_samples=args.out + ".list_problem_sex_ids", format=args.lrr_baf_format, dpi=args.lrr_baf_dpi, out_prefix=args.out, )
[docs]def createGenderPlot(bfile, intensities, problematic_samples, format, out_prefix): """Creates the gender plot. :param bfile: the prefix of the input binary file. :param intensities: the file containing the intensities. :param problematic_samples: the file containing the problematic samples. :param format: the format of the output plot. :param out_prefix: the prefix of the output file. :type bfile: str :type intensities: str :type problematic_samples: str :type format: str :type out_prefix: str Creates the gender plot of the samples using the :py:mod:`pyGenClean.SexCheck.gender_plot` module. """ gender_plot_options = ["--bfile", bfile, "--intensities", intensities, "--sex-problems", problematic_samples, "--format", format, "--out", out_prefix] try: gender_plot.main(gender_plot_options) except gender_plot.ProgramError as e: msg = "gender plot: {}".format(e) raise ProgramError(msg)
[docs]def createLrrBafPlot(raw_dir, problematic_samples, format, dpi, out_prefix): """Creates the LRR and BAF plot. :param raw_dir: the directory containing the intensities. :param problematic_samples: the file containing the problematic samples. :param format: the format of the plot. :param dpi: the DPI of the resulting images. :param out_prefix: the prefix of the output file. :type raw_dir: str :type problematic_samples: str :type format: str :type out_prefix: str Creates the LRR (Log R Ratio) and BAF (B Allele Frequency) of the problematic samples using the :py:mod:`pyGenClean.SexCheck.baf_lrr_plot` module. """ # First, we create an output directory dir_name = out_prefix + ".LRR_BAF" if not os.path.isdir(dir_name): os.mkdir(dir_name) # The options baf_lrr_plot_options = ["--problematic-samples", problematic_samples, "--raw-dir", raw_dir, "--format", format, "--dpi", str(dpi), "--out", os.path.join(dir_name, "baf_lrr")] try: baf_lrr_plot.main(baf_lrr_plot_options) except baf_lrr_plot.ProgramError as e: msg = "BAF LRR plot: {}".format(e) raise ProgramError(msg)
[docs]def checkBim(fileName, minNumber, chromosome): """Checks the BIM file for chrN markers. :param fileName: :param minNumber: :param chromosome: :type fileName: str :type minNumber: int :type chromosome: str :returns: ``True`` if there are at least ``minNumber`` markers on chromosome ``chromosome``, ``False`` otherwise. """ nbMarkers = 0 with open(fileName, 'r') as inputFile: for line in inputFile: row = line.rstrip("\r\n").split("\t") if row[0] == chromosome: nbMarkers += 1 if nbMarkers < minNumber: return False return True
[docs]def computeNoCall(fileName): """Computes the number of no call. :param fileName: the name of the file :type fileName: str Reads the ``ped`` file created by Plink using the ``recodeA`` options (see :py:func:`createPedChr24UsingPlink`) and computes the number and percentage of no calls on the chromosome ``24``. """ outputFile = None try: outputFile = open(fileName + ".noCall", "w") except IOError: msg = "%s: can't write file" % fileName + ".noCall" raise ProgramError(msg) print >>outputFile, "\t".join(["PED", "ID", "SEX", "nbGeno", "nbNoCall"]) try: toPrint = [] with open(fileName, "r") as inputFile: for i, line in enumerate(inputFile): row = line.rstrip("\r\n").split(" ") if i != 0: # This is data genotypes = np.array(row[6:]) nbMarker = len(genotypes) nbNA = len(np.where(genotypes == "NA")[0]) toPrint.append((row[0], row[1], row[4], str(nbMarker), str(nbNA))) toPrint.sort(reverse=True, key=lambda values: int(values[4])) for row in toPrint: print >>outputFile, "\t".join(row) except IOError: msg = "%(fileName)s: no such file" % locals() raise ProgramError(msg) # Closing the output file outputFile.close()
[docs]def computeHeteroPercentage(fileName): """Computes the heterozygosity percentage. :param fileName: the name of the input file. :type fileName: str Reads the ``ped`` file created by Plink using the ``recodeA`` options (see :py:func:`createPedChr23UsingPlink`) and computes the heterozygosity percentage on the chromosome ``23``. """ outputFile = None try: outputFile = open(fileName + ".hetero", "w") except IOError: msg = "%s: can't write file" % fileName + ".hetero" raise ProgramError(msg) print >>outputFile, "\t".join(["PED", "ID", "SEX", "HETERO"]) try: toPrint = [] with open(fileName, "r") as inputFile: for i, line in enumerate(inputFile): row = line.rstrip("\r\n").split(" ") if i != 0: # This is data genotypes = np.array(row[6:]) genotypes = genotypes[np.where(genotypes != "NA")] nbMarker = len(genotypes) nbHetero = len(np.where(genotypes == "1")[0]) percentHetero = -9999 if nbMarker != 0: percentHetero = nbHetero / float(nbMarker) toPrint.append((row[0], row[1], row[4], percentHetero)) # Sorting the data toPrint.sort(reverse=True, key=lambda values: values[3]) # Printing the data for row in toPrint: value = list(row) if value[3] == -9999: value[3] = "ALL_NA" else: value[3] = str(value[3]) print >>outputFile, "\t".join(value) except IOError: msg = "%(fileName)s: no such file" % locals() raise ProgramError(msg) # Closing the output file outputFile.close()
[docs]def readCheckSexFile(fileName, allProblemsFileName, idsFileName, femaleF, maleF): """Reads the Plink check-sex output file. :param fileName: the name of the input file. :param allProblemsFileName: the name of the output file that will contain all the problems. :param idsFileName: the name of the output file what will contain samples with sex problems. :param femaleF: the F threshold for females. :param maleF: the F threshold for males. :type fileName: str :type allProblemsFileName: str :type idsFileName: str :type femaleF: float :type maleF: float :returns: ``True`` if there are sex problems, ``False`` otherwise. Reads sex check file provided by :py:func:`runPlinkSexCheck` (Plink) and extract the samples that have sex problems. """ allProblemsFile = None try: allProblemsFile = open(allProblemsFileName, 'w') except IOError: msg = "%(allProblemsFileName)s: can't write file" % locals() raise ProgramError(msg) idsFile = None try: idsFile = open(idsFileName, 'w') except IOError: msg = "%(idsFileName)s: can't write file" % locals() raise ProgramError(msg) try: with open(fileName, 'r') as inputFile: headerIndex = None nbProblems = 0 nbTotalProblems = 0 nbSexUnknown = 0 nbFemaleThreshold = 0 nbMaleThreshold = 0 for line in inputFile: row = createRowFromPlinkSpacedOutput(line) if headerIndex is None: # This is the header headerIndex = dict([ (row[i], i) for i in xrange(len(row)) ]) for columnName in ["STATUS", "PEDSEX", "SNPSEX", "F", "FID", "IID"]: if columnName not in headerIndex: msg = "%(fileName)s: no column named " \ "%(columnName)s" % locals() raise ProgramError(msg) print >>allProblemsFile, "\t".join(row) continue # We have data status = row[headerIndex["STATUS"]] if status == "PROBLEM": # We have a sex problem nbTotalProblems += 1 pedsex = row[headerIndex["PEDSEX"]] if pedsex == "0": # The individual was "0", so we skip nbSexUnknown += 1 continue snpsex = row[headerIndex["SNPSEX"]] if snpsex == "0": # The new sex is unknown f = None try: f = float(row[headerIndex["F"]]) except ValueError: msg = "F=%s: not a float" % row[headerIndex["F"]] raise ProgramError(msg) if pedsex == "2": # We have a female if f < femaleF: nbFemaleThreshold += 1 continue if pedsex == "1": # We have a male if f > maleF: nbMaleThreshold += 1 continue print >>allProblemsFile, "\t".join(row) famID = row[headerIndex["FID"]] indID = row[headerIndex["IID"]] print >>idsFile, "\t".join([famID, indID]) nbProblems += 1"Sex Check Summary")" - {:,d} total problems".format(nbTotalProblems))" - {:,d} pedsex unknown".format(nbSexUnknown))" - {:,d} female F < {}".format(nbFemaleThreshold, femaleF))" - {:,d} male F > {}".format(nbMaleThreshold, maleF))" - {:,d} problems kept".format(nbProblems)) except IOError: msg = "%(fileName)s: no such file" # Closing the output files idsFile.close() allProblemsFile.close() if nbProblems == 0: # There are no sex problems to investigate"There are no sex problem to investigate...")" - Nothing else to do...") return False return True
[docs]def runPlinkSexCheck(options): """Runs Plink to perform a sex check analysis. :param options: the options. :type options: argparse.Namespace Uses Plink to perform a sex check analysis. """ # The plink command plinkCommand = ["plink", "--noweb", "--bfile", options.bfile, "--check-sex", "--out", options.out] runCommand(plinkCommand)
[docs]def runCommand(command): """Run a command. :param command: the command to run. :type command: list Tries to run a command. If it fails, raise a :py:class:`ProgramError`. This function uses the :py:mod:`subprocess` module. .. warning:: The variable command should be a list of strings (no other type). """ output = None try: output = subprocess.check_output(command, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=False) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: msg = "plink: couldn't run plink\n" msg += " ".join(command) raise ProgramError(msg)
[docs]def checkArgs(args): """Checks the arguments and options. :param args: an object containing the options of the program. :type args: argparse.Namespace :returns: ``True`` if everything was OK. If there is a problem with an option, an exception is raised using the :py:class:`ProgramError` class, a message is printed to the :class:`sys.stderr` and the program exists with code 1. """ # Check if we have the tped and the tfam files for fileName in [args.bfile + i for i in [".bed", ".bim", ".fam"]]: if not os.path.isfile(fileName): msg = "%(fileName)s: no such file" % locals() raise ProgramError(msg) # Ceck the number of markers on chromosome 23 if args.nbChr23 < 0: msg = ("{}: number of markers on chr 23 must be " "positive".format(args.nbChr23)) raise ProgramError(msg) # If we ask for LRR and BAF, we need a directory if args.lrr_baf: if not os.path.isdir(args.lrr_baf_raw_dir): msg = "{}: no such directory".format(args.lrr_baf_raw_dir) raise ProgramError(msg) if args.lrr_baf_dpi < 10: msg = "{}: DPI too low".format(args.dpi) raise ProgramError(msg) return True
[docs]def parseArgs(argString=None): # pragma: no cover """Parses the command line options and arguments. :param argString: the options. :type argString: list :returns: A :py:class:`argparse.Namespace` object created by the :py:mod:`argparse` module. It contains the values of the different options. ========================= ====== ========================================== Options Type Description ========================= ====== ========================================== ``--bfile`` string The input file prefix (Plink binary). ``--femaleF`` float The female F threshold. ``--maleF`` float The male F threshold. ``--nbChr23`` int The minimum number of markers on chromosome 23 before computing Plink's sex check. ``--gender-plot`` bool Create the gender plot. ``--sex-chr-intensities`` string A file containing alleles intensities for each of the markers located on the X and Y chromosome. ``--gender-plot-format`` string The output file format for the gender plot. ``--lrr-baf`` bool Create the LRR and BAF plot. ``--lrr-baf-raw-dir`` string Directory containing information about every samples (BAF and LRR). ``--lrr-baf-format`` string The output file format. ``--lrr-baf-dpi`` int The pixel density of the figure(s) (DPI). ``--out`` string The prefix of the output files. ========================= ====== ========================================== .. note:: No option check is done here (except for the one automatically done by argparse). Those need to be done elsewhere (see :py:func:`checkArgs`). """ args = None if argString is None: args = parser.parse_args() else: args = parser.parse_args(argString) return args
[docs]class ProgramError(Exception): """An :py:class:`Exception` raised in case of a problem. :param msg: the message to print to the user before exiting. :type msg: str """ def __init__(self, msg): """Construction of the :py:class:`ProgramError` class. :param msg: the message to print to the user. :type msg: str """ self.message = str(msg) def __str__(self): return self.message
# The parser object pretty_name = "Gender check" desc = "Check sample's gender using Plink." long_desc = ("The script identifies any individual with discrepancies between " "phenotype and genotype data for sex. Individuals with sex error " "are to be investigated.") parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=desc) parser.add_argument("-v", "--version", action="version", version="pyGenClean version {}".format(__version__)) # The INPUT files group = parser.add_argument_group("Input File") group.add_argument("--bfile", type=str, metavar="FILE", required=True, help=("The input file prefix (will find the Plink binary " "files by appending the prefix to the .bed, .bim, " "and .fam files, respectively.")) # The options group = parser.add_argument_group("Options") group.add_argument("--femaleF", type=float, metavar="FLOAT", default=0.3, help="The female F threshold. [default: < %(default)f]") group.add_argument("--maleF", type=float, metavar="FLOAT", default=0.7, help="The male F threshold. [default: > %(default)f]") group.add_argument("--nbChr23", type=int, metavar="INT", default=50, help=("The minimum number of markers on chromosome 23 " "before computing Plink's sex check [default: " "%(default)d]")) group = parser.add_argument_group("Gender Plot") group.add_argument("--gender-plot", action="store_true", help=("Create the gender plot (summarized chr Y " "intensities in function of summarized chr X " "intensities) for problematic samples.")) group.add_argument("--sex-chr-intensities", type=str, metavar="FILE", help=("A file containing alleles intensities for each of " "the markers located on the X and Y chromosome for " "the gender plot.")) group.add_argument("--gender-plot-format", type=str, metavar="FORMAT", default="png", choices=["png", "ps", "pdf", "X11"], help=("The output file format for the gender plot (png, " "ps, pdf, or X11 formats are available). " "[default: %(default)s]")) group = parser.add_argument_group("LRR and BAF Plot") group.add_argument("--lrr-baf", action="store_true", help=("Create the LRR and BAF plot for problematic " "samples")) group.add_argument("--lrr-baf-raw-dir", type=str, metavar="DIR", help=("Directory or list of directories containing " "information about every samples (BAF and LRR).")) group.add_argument("--lrr-baf-format", type=str, metavar="FORMAT", default="png", choices=["png", "ps", "pdf", "X11"], help=("The output file format for the LRR and BAF plot " "(png, ps, pdf, or X11 formats are available). " "[default: %(default)s]")) group.add_argument("--lrr-baf-dpi", type=int, metavar="DPI", default=300, help=("The pixel density of the figure(s) (DPI). " "[default: %(default)d]")) # The OUTPUT files group = parser.add_argument_group("Output File") group.add_argument("--out", type=str, metavar="FILE", default="sexcheck", help=("The prefix of the output files (which will be a " "Plink binary file. [default: %(default)s]"))
[docs]def safe_main(): """A safe version of the main function (that catches ProgramError).""" try: main() except KeyboardInterrupt:"Cancelled by user") sys.exit(0) except ProgramError as e: logger.error(e.message) parser.error(e.message)
if __name__ == "__main__": safe_main()