Linux Installation

The following steps will help you install pyGenClean on a Linux machine.


The following softwares and packages are required for pyGenClean:

  1. Python 2.7
  2. PLINK (1.07)
  3. numpy (version 1.6.2 or latest)
  4. matplotlib (version 1.2.0 or latest)
  5. scipy (version 0.11.0 or latest)
  6. scikit-learn (version 0.12.1 or latest)
  7. Jinja2 (version 2.7.3 or latest)


All the requirements will be installed along with the main pyGenClean module.


The Plink software needs to be in the PATH (or in the current working directory). In other words, you should be able to type plink at the command line.


There are two main ways to to install pyGenClean: using an existing Python 2.7 distribution and creating a Python Virtual environment, or using Miniconda.

Virtual environment

If python is already installed, a python virtual environment should be created. If one is already present, you can just proceed to the Activating the environment section.

To create a new python virtual environment, download the latest version of virtualenv, located at this web page: At the moment of writing this documentation, the latest version was 13.1.2, and the file was named virtualenv-13.1.2.tar.gz. Locate the archive, which is usually in the ~/Downloads directory.

$ cd ~/Downloads
$ tar -zxf virtualenv-13.1.2.tar.gz
$ cd virtualenv-13.1.2

There is no need to install the module. Just create a directory and create the Python virtual environment:

$ mkdir -p ~/softwares/Python-2.7_virtualenv
$ python ./ \
>     --no-site-packages \
>     ~/softwares/Python-2.7_virtualenv

Activating the environment

To activate the Python virtual environment, perform the following command:

$ source ~/softwares/Python-2.7_virtualenv/bin/activate

Finally, to deactivate the Python virtual environment, either close the terminal, or perform the following command:

$ deactivate


For the following installations and tests, be certain that the Python virtual environment is activated, or nothing will work as planned...

The best way to know if the Python virtual environment is activated, is to see its name, in parenthesis, before the usual prompt in the terminal. For example:

(Python-2.7_virtualenv)[username@localhost ~]$

Installing pyGenClean

To install pyGenClean, only perform the following command:

$ pip install pyGenClean

Updating pyGenClean

To update pyGenClean, perform the following command:

$ pip install -U pyGenClean


Download and install miniconda (located at By default, miniconda is installed in ~/miniconda.

To create a new virtual environment, perform the following command:

$ conda create -n Python-2.7_virtualenv python=2

Activating the conda environment

To activate the Python virtual environment (miniconda), perform the following command:

$ source ~/miniconda/bin/activate Python-2.7_virtualenv

Finally, to deactivate the Python virtual environment, either close the terminal, or perform the following command:

$ source deactivate


For the following installations and tests, be certain that the Python virtual environment is activated, or nothing will work as planned...

The best way to know if the Python virtual environment is activated, is to see its name, in parenthesis, before the usual prompt in the terminal. For example:

(Python-2.7_virtualenv)[username@localhost ~]$

Installing pyGenClean

To install pyGenClean, only perform the following command:

$ conda install pyGenClean -c

Updating pyGenClean

To update pyGenClean, perform the following command:

$ conda update pyGenClean -c

Testing the installation


Before using pyGenClean, be certain that the previously installed Python virtual environment is activated (see Activating the environment or Activating the conda environment for more information). If the proper environment is not activated, noting will work...

To test the algorithm, download the test data from and the HapMap reference populations (build 37).

Locate the downloaded archives (it should be in the ~/Downloads directory). Perform the following commands:

$ cd ~/Downloads
$ mkdir -p ~/test_pyGenClean
$ tar -C ~/test_pyGenClean -jxf check_ethnicity_HapMap_reference_populations_b37.tar.bz2
$ tar -C ~/test_pyGenClean -jxf pyGenClean_test_data.tar.bz2
$ cd ~/test_pyGenClean

Create a text file named conf.ini inside the ~/test_pyGenClean directory, containing the following text:

script = check_ethnicity
ceu-bfile = check_ethnicity_HapMap_ref_pops_b37/hapmap_CEU_r23a_filtered_b37
yri-bfile = check_ethnicity_HapMap_ref_pops_b37/hapmap_YRI_r23a_filtered_b37
jpt-chb-bfile = check_ethnicity_HapMap_ref_pops_b37/hapmap_JPT_CHB_r23a_filtered_b37
nb-components = 2
multiplier = 1

script = sex_check

Run the following command:

$ run_pyGenClean \
>     --conf conf.ini \
>     --bfile pyGenClean_test_data/1000G_EUR-MXL_Human610-Quad-v1_H


Valuable information will be shown in the terminal. Once the program has finished, the results are in the new directory data_clean_up.date_time where date is the current date, and time is the time at which the analysis started.

Here are the new directory structure, with only the files you might be interested in:

  • data_clean_up.date_time/
    • pyGenClean.log
    • automatic_report.tex
    • excluded_markers.txt
    • excluded_samples.txt
    • 1_check_ethnicity/
      • ethnicity.before.png
      • ethnicity.outliers.png
      • ethnicity.outliers
      • ethnicity.population_file_outliers
    • 2_sex_check/
      • sexcheck.list_problem_sex

The file pyGenClean.log contain the information that was displayed in the console. The file automatic_report.txt contain the automatic report generated by pyGenClean. The files excluded_markers.txt and excluded_samples.txt contains the list of markers and samples, respectively, that were excluded from the dataset (with the reason).


The first image in the first directory (ethnicity.before.png) shows the MDS values for each sample before outlier detection. The second image (ethnicity.outliers.png) shows the outliers that should be removed for further analysis. Finally, the file ethnicity.outliers include a list of samples that should be removed for further analysis. The total number of outliers for this test should be exactly 63, but the figures might be mirrored for 32 bits systems. For more information about the results of this module, refer to Section Ethnicity Module.

Ethnic Before Outliers


Ethnic After Outliers



In the second directory, there should be a file containing the list of samples with gender problem. There should be exactly 4 samples with gender problem. For more information about this module, refer to Section Sex Check Module.

If you want to compare your results with the expected ones, just download the files in the archive pyGenClean_expected_results.tar.bz2, available through They were generated using Fedora 18 (64 bits) in about 20 minutes. You should at least compare the following files:

  • 1_check_ethnicity
    • ethnicity.outliers
    • ethnicity.population_file_outliers
    • All the figures (they might be mirrored).
  • 2_sex_check
    • sexcheck.list_problem_sex
    • sexcheck.list_problem_sex_ids

Automatic report

If LaTeX is installed, you can perform the following commands to compile the automatic report into a PDF file.

$ pdflatex automatic_report.tex
$ pdflatex automatic_report.tex
$ pdflatex automatic_report.tex

The following PDF report will be generated.